Directorate Of Distance Education


About The University

On the 8th of January 1947, the University of Rajputana appeared like a little star on the educational horizon of pre-independent India. That little star, now called the University of Rajasthan is shining "like a diamond in the sky." Having acquired the status of University with Potential for Excellence, today, the University celebrates its 68th Foundation Day. Over the years the University has redefined itself keeping in mind the changing trends of the educational system.

he University was granted an annual grant of Rs.2.5 lacs by the participating States of Rajputana. What is remarkable is that the States made it clear that the "acceptance of the grant will in no way detract from the autonomy of the University and its freedom to organise its teaching and administration as to embody in them the highest conception of University life." The University has made a significant contribution in the field of higher education. A peep into the past has many interesting features to reveal its progressive and dynamic outlook since its very beginning. The foundations laid for this University are deep and strong as is amply borne out by the following extract from the address delivered by Shri J. C. Rollo, on the 28- July 1947 at the meeting of the Academic Council. "This is the first meeting of academic council of the University. It is of happy significance that the first body to meet should be the Academic Council. It helps to emphasize the fact that this University is to be one in which academic considerations, academic responsibility, shall always come first. This Council is the academic conscience of the University; and, as the first person honoured with its Chairmanship, I venture to suggest that today and always the members may firmly maintain, at whatever cost, the highest standards and the soundest policy from an academic point of view. Finally, might I respectfully ask that from the beginning every member may exercise a free and independent personal judgment and may never accept the dictation of any group of persons; a habit that has proved ruinous to some Universities. In the University of Raj putana independence will not be dangerous."

Teaching- learning and research are being carried out by thirty six departments, twelve centres and one hundred and twenty six affiliated colleges. The University offers more than seventy programmes at the postgraduate and undergraduate level in different faculties. It offers Ph.D. in thirty seven and M.Phil. in twenty six disciplines. It also confers honorary degrees or other distinctions on the persons of exceptional caliber. It is primarily a research, teaching, affiliating, examining body involved in promotion of arts, science, commerce and other branches of learning.

The University provides excellent academic environment and state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities for research. The University is open to all classes and creeds with the objective of imparting man-making education.

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